Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Young Women Values Magnets (Includes Free Download)

We had a successful activity at our church youth night recently. The young women created a bucket list of things they wanted to complete in the next year or two and then they made these cute little pebble magnets to remind them of the Young Women Values. They're a fun size and can be used in their school locker, on a memo board, or on any magnetic surface in their room. The girls seemed to enjoy the activity and the magnets came together nicely in the hour we were together.

The girls had two choices to pick from. They could have a colored background with white lettering or a white background with colored lettering. The clear pebble stones I got where between 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch. They can sometimes be found at Dollar Tree but most craft stores should have them also.

To make the magnets I found it works best to place the pebble on top of the paper, centering it on the lettering, and trace around it with a pencil. Cut out the circle just on the inside of the traced circle. Brush a very thin layer of mod podge onto the flat surface of the pebble and place the paper on top, lettered side down. Allow to dry an few minutes and then apply a magnet. If your magnet does not have self adhesive, glue on the magnet using a hot glue gun. Using another kind of glue will cause the ink to bleed and ruin your whole project. (Trust me on this one. I know from sad experience.)

Hopefully these cute little magnets can act as a reminder to the girls of the values they hold and also to be working on their Personal Progress.

Feel free to download my template to make your own pebble magnets.
(For personal use only. Thanks!)



I made a 4x6 memo board to display the magnets on by using this fun frame from IKEA and a scrap piece of sheet metal. It worked well to temporarily to show off these little gems.

If you have any questions be sure ask! If you give this project a try leave a comment and let me know how it went.

Have fun!