Monday, December 15, 2014

Teacher Card

Looking for a creative card for you kids to tack along with a teacher gift?

My son liked the card that he made last year for his teacher so much that he decided to do the same thing again for his teacher this year.  We changed it up a little this time though.

See the original post here.  Find the free printable tag here.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Gifts Kids Can Make: Super Hero Magnets

Like many little boys, my boys love super heroes!  Batman has been especially popular at our house since the Lego Movie came out.  My son even had a super hero themed birthday party a few years ago. When I saw these free printable super hero stickers at Great Kids Birthday Parties I immediately pinned them.  I knew they would come in handy for something fun sometime . . . I just didn't know what yet.

As I was helping my kids come up with ideas for gifts they could make their siblings this year for Christmas I remembered these super hero stickers and realized they would be perfect for making some fun homemade magnets.

To make the magnets we printed off the stickers we wanted (I had to shrink them down a bit to fit our stones) and cut them out.  We then used a thin layer of modge podge to glue the super hero images to the glass stones (like I did here).  I've stocked up on glass stones from SSC Supplies.  I love the size and uniformity of their stones.  They come in handy for so many things that I like to always have a few around.  Last year I used them to make these pendant necklaces.
We then added a magnet to the back of the stones using some hot glue and they were ready to wrap and put under the tree.  I love how they turned out!  I'm kind of tempted to make a few more . . . 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Service Manger

Note: This post was originally published back in 2010.  I've had several requests for a template to the manger.  I have created a template and decided to re-post this idea to allow more of our readers access to it.

This simple idea makes an inexpensive and meaningful gift to give to children in a Sunday school class or church setting.  It would also be a fun project to make and work together on as a family.  We have used this little homemade manger for years and really enjoyed the spirit of service that it created in our home.  This year we decided to finally upgrade to a nicer (sturdier) version that I came across on etsy.  You can find it here.

Be sure to check out this fun little story called Straw for the Manger to go along with your service manger too.  Find it HERE.

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Are you looking for ways to help your children remember the true meaning of Christmas this time of year?
This service manger is a fun and easy way to do just that!

This little manger started out empty, but each time someone in our family does a good deed or act of service they get to add a straw to the manger to make it soft in time for the baby Jesus to arrive for Christmas.

Want to make your own?  These simple mangers can be put together in minutes!

First I found some sturdy card stock (or thin cardboard will do also) and drew these images on it.

I then cut them out and pieced them together. See. Easy project. I didn't even use glue. Just fold your rectangle piece in half, cut the slits and insert the legs of the manger.

Find some straw (or raffia, or even paper shreds) and let your kids add them to the manger good deed by good deed.

Now for the baby Jesus.
I picked up these wooden pieces at Hobby Lobby for under $2 the other day. Perfect for our baby.

I then found some white scraps of flannel for a blanket and a sharpie to draw on the face.

Here's the baby all wrapped up and cozy.

I can't tell you how much my children have loved filling this manger with straw. It's been fun to see them being so helpful and offering to do all kinds of wonderful things around the house.

Just perfect for helping to remember the true meaning of Christmas.

(To print templateClick on picture below to enlarge, then right click and copy.  Open a word document, reduce your margins to zero and paste.  Expand to 100% and print.)

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Gifts Kids Can Make: Peg People

A few years back my husband and I made some peg people for Mr. J's Christmas gift.  Last year, he decided that he would make some peg people for his brothers.  It was fun to watch him decide what kind each of his brothers would like the most.  He made 3 sets of peg people: 4 little ninjas, 4 Minecraft characters, and 4 super heroes. 

This is such a fun gift for kids to make!  All you need is a bag of peg people (we picked ours up at Hobby Lobby), paint, and some paint brushes.  Then let your imaginations run wild!