Monday, June 9, 2014

Big Floor Pillows--Tutorial

Be sure to stop by Cut Out and Keep this week.  They're featuring my book Quiet Book Patterns as the book of the week!  You'll find my author interview, a free sample project (along with template), and you can also enter to win a copy of my book.  Find it all here.  -Amy
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I needed a little something more to add to our reading nook to make it extra cozy.  I decided that some big floor pillows would do just the trick.  I had originally made some giant floor pillows (which I spied on Pinterest) for the boys to lay down on while watching movies but I needed something a little smaller.

I had a lot of fun picking out some happy-looking fabrics for this little corner of our home.  I first cut out some 20x20 squares and 4 strips that measured 5x20.

I then took one of my large squares and laid the strips along the edges, right sides together, pinning them in place.

Since the corners overlap when lying flat you'll have to lift them up and pin them together.

I sewed three of the corners together first.  You'll want to keep one open for later.

Then I sewed the contrasting edges together.

I found the trickiest part to be taking this piece and pinning the top square to the edges of the strips. 

Once that is sewn then turn it right side out and use that one corner that wasn't sewn shut to stuff the pillow with batting.  Enlist some help--your kids will think it's fun!  Plus, it takes lots and lots of batting!

When it's stuffed to the firmness that you like you can hand stitch the last corner shut and--viola!  You have a great floor pillow!

These floor pillows were the perfect addition to make our reading nook a cozy place to cuddle up and read.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Cozy Reading Nook

I mentioned in a previous post that we left a beautiful Southern home last summer to reside in the desert.  One of my favorite little corners of our old home was the reading nook I created. We had a small loft that was the perfect size.  

Plus there was great natural light--perfect for reading.  It was colorful and inviting with lots of big, comfy pillows.

We had a basket for comic books, a special place for our little Beatrix Potter collection, and . . .

a bin of board books for baby H to grab.

Perhaps my very favorite part were these framed children's book illustrations.  Each one of them represents the name of one of my boys.

There are so many things I miss about our old house but this little corner tops the list.