Monday, April 30, 2012

Plate Display

Last summer my family and I moved into a new house.  There were a lot of changes I wanted to make but my first priority was painting the kitchen. It went from this . . .

to this:  (I know, it's a little bare.)

It didn't take long before that big blank wall started calling my name.  I debated for several months over how to fill it and finally decided to do a plate display since I love plates.

I scoured placed like Marshall's, Home Goods, Hobby Lobby, Pier 1, and even Kroger for plates.  I came home with way more than I needed but I wanted to lay them out together and figure out which combination looked best together.  I finally settled on this:

Once I had my plates all picked out came the tedious process of getting them on the wall.  I traced each plate onto paper and then cut them out and arranged them on my kitchen wall so I could get them just where I wanted them.  I was going to be putting a lot of holes in my wall as it was and didn't want to mess up.


I debated for a while as to what method I wanted to use to hang the plates.  I finally settled on using English plate hangers that I bought through amazon.  The reviews I read gave me confidence that they did the job well.  I didn't want to have any plated come crashing down on me.

To use them you simply wet the back of the disc and then apply them to your plate and let dry overnight.  The discs are removable too in case you ever change you mind in the future.

After my discs were nice and secure on the back of each plate I used my paper cutouts on the wall to guide me for the placement of each nail and then I was ready to hang my plates.

I'll admit the process was a little long and took much more time than I originally anticipated but in the end it was worth it because I'm so pleased with how my display turned out.

Lovely little plates to fill up that big blank wall.

I love plates for kitchen decor.

Tell me, do you have any plates decorating your kitchen walls?


  1. Such a lovely display, I've never thought of using plates like this, much to scared of them falling down!
    The white and green look lovely together.

  2. I'm so glad I saw your post about this because I've been wanting to do a plate display too!!! Yours is so beautiful, I love the plates, the colors and the arrangement!! I didn't how to hang the plates, so thanks for sharing how you did this!!!

  3. Ha! I just did a plate wall and I have the two bird plates from Pier 1 too! How funny! The set-up is pretty much the same.

  4. This is JUST what I needed to see today! We moved into our new home in December and I've painted our dining room a light aqua. The chimney wall has been begging for a little something, and a plate display will be PERFECT! Thanks for sharing. Your kitchen looks so lovely and peaceful. May you and your dear ones enjoy many a blessed meal around that table!!

  5. I want to do this in my kitchen...I have the plates but hate the plate hangers I have. these discs look amazing. I would love if you shared them on my link party.

    Can't wait to see what you make next.


  6. Love this! It looks amazing in your space. And that's a great idea to use paper on the walls first to practice the set up :)

  7. I can't tell you how much I love it - especially the birdie plates! The colors are awesome also!

  8. I love your plates...especially the way you have used white...I always think of colour and design when I think of plates on a wall, but this looks fab! I do have plates in my kitchen...and in my lounge. :)

  9. Oh my gosh, I love that!! Love to see the pics of your dining room transformation. Visiting from the Sew Much Ado WDIW link up. Can't wait to get started painting our dining table/chairs now after seeing yours. Great job!! :)

  10. Thanks for sharing this at Handmade Tuesdays. I pinned it, and it's a feature at next week's party!

  11. I'm featuring your plate wall art on the DIY Club on 6-15-2012

    Cheri from Its So Very Cheri

  12. That looks wonderful! I have used those plate discs for some plates on my dining room wall. They really work well!

    If you have a minute to spare, I would be thrilled if you could link up this great post to my weekly Say G'Day Saturday linky party!

    Best wishes for a lovely weekend.
    Natasha in Oz

  13. I am pinning this to my "For the Home" board on Pinterest! I love this! I've just shared it on Google+ too!

    Thanks so much for sharing this post at my Say G'day linky party! This week's linky is now live and I am very excited to invite you to a Social media linky party that I will be hosting on July 14. The details are all at the blog if you would like to join in.

    Best wishes for a wonderful weekend,
    Natasha in Oz
