Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Painting with Water

Our local librarian always has a craft or activity for the kids to do after story time. Not too long ago she had the greatest idea . . . painting with water. All you need is a bowl of water, some old paintbrushes, and a piece of sidewalk.

My boys had so much fun with this... and the worst that could happen is they get wet!


  1. Yes! Fun!! (and in the winter we sometimes paint with water and que-tips on construction paper.)

  2. And its cheaper than the Aquadoodle! lol

  3. Lori... I love the q-tip and construction paper idea!

  4. LOVE this idea. Our landlords won't let us use sidewalk chalk in front of our building, but I don't see anything wrong with water! We will be doing this VERY SOON. :)

  5. We did this last night. All the neighbor kids came over and joined in too because it looked like so much fun, and it was!
